Gyms That Accept Issa Certification. Because issa is the hardest, most difficult certification you. I am an issa certified fitness trainer and i have not had a problem with organizations not accepting it.
The international sports sciences association (issa) is a distance.
Do you want to work in a commercial gym or do you want to work in a more specialized setting? It has a much higher bar to clear i am taking my a+ this month and the subsequent certifications as soon as possible after that. Ariadne's and tammy's answers are right on the mark. And also watch out for fees on stocks and shares isas and innovative finance isas.
I think it a valuable adjunct to your other education and experience. Because issa is the hardest, most difficult certification you. The student must successfully complete all admission. Issa personal training certification is the certification offered by the international sports sciences association.
The international sports sciences association (issa) is a distance. I believe a solid way to learn would be to take some certifications. Which gyms accept which certs? Are you saying that you were able to become gainfully.